
blendersynth.annotations.bbox.bounding_boxes(objects, camera=None, scene=None, return_fmt='x1y1x2y2', normalized=False, invert_y=True)[source]

Project bounding boxes of all objects in list to all cameras provided. :type objects: List[Mesh] :param objects: List of Mesh objects :type camera: Union[Camera, List[Camera]] :param camera: Either a single Camera object, or a list of them. If None, use :type scene: Scene :param scene: bpy.types.Scene (if None, use bpy.context.scene) :type return_fmt: str :param return_fmt: one of [‘x1y1x2y2’, ‘xywh’] :type normalized: bool :param normalized: if True, return normalized coordinates (0-1) instead of pixel coordinates :type invert_y: bool :param invert_y: if True, y is measured from the top of the image, otherwise from the bottom (Blender measures from bottom)

Return type:
