Debugging & Troubleshooting


Breakpoint debugging is supported for both PyCharm and VSCode. To enable it:

  1. Set-up your Python Debug Server for either PyCharm or VSCode and start it

  2. In your script, include bsyn.run_this_script(debug = True, port_number = <YOUR PORT NUMBER>, host = <YOUR HOST NAME>, IDE = <'PyCharm'/'VSCode'>)

  3. Run the script - breakpoints should now work!


Note that bsyn imports all bpy functionality, so you can call any bpy function as if you would normally.

If you find any issues with the Blender scripts not having the correct modules, try bsyn.fix_blender_modules(), or to completely reconfigure Blender, bsyn.fix_blender_install(). If installing from local clone, use local=True argument to both. If you are making changes to the local clone, use editable=True to install in editable mode.

Custom modules

To install custom modules for your Blender python:

import blendersynth as bsyn