Source code for blendersynth.utils.layout

import bpy

"""List of all area types"""

[docs] def get_areas(area_type): """Yield all areas of the given type. :param area_type: Area type to get (one of :attr:`~blendersynth.utils.layout.AREA_TYPES`) """ assert area_type in AREA_TYPES, f"Invalid area type: {area_type}" for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == area_type: yield area
[docs] def get_area(area_type) -> bpy.types.Area: """Return the first found area of the given type. :param area_type: Area type to get (one of :attr:`~blendersynth.utils.layout.AREA_TYPES`) """ for area in get_areas(area_type): return area
[docs] def change_area_to(area_type_from: str, area_type_to: str): """Change the first area found. :param area_type_from: Area type to change from (one of :attr:`~blendersynth.utils.layout.AREA_TYPES`) :param area_type_to: Area type to change to (one of :attr:`~blendersynth.utils.layout.AREA_TYPES`) """ get_area(area_type_from).type = area_type_to