
blendersynth.utils.blender_setup.check_blender_install.check_blender_install(force_all=False, force_find_blender=False, force_find_blender_python=False, force_install_dependencies=False, blendersynth_from_local=False, blendersynth_editable=False)[source]

Check if Blender is installed correctly and has all necessary packages. If not, run first time setup.

On first time setup, will create a file, config.ini, in the user’s config, containing the necessary info.

Force: if True, will run first time setup (overwriting any existing config.ini) regardless

blendersynth.utils.blender_setup.check_blender_install.install_module(module_name, version=None, upgrade=True, editable=False)[source]

Install a module to Blender Python.

  • module_name (str) – name of module to install

  • version (str) – version of module to install

  • upgrade (bool) – if True, will upgrade module if it is already installed

  • editable (bool) – if True, will install module in editable mode


Install blender stubs in vanilla python environment, for correct Blender version