
Node Group collections for use in Blender

class blendersynth.blender.nodes.shader_node_groups.DeformedGeneratedTextureCoordinates(node_tree, mesh, bbox_min, bbox_max)[source]

A ShaderNodeGroup that outputs generated texture coordinates, but in the deformed space.

For example use, see DisplacementGeneratedAOV.

__init__(node_tree, mesh, bbox_min, bbox_max)[source]

To calculate the generated space, either needs mesh or bbox_min, bbox_max.

  • node_tree (NodeTree) – NodeTree to add group to

  • mesh (blendersynth.blender.mesh.Mesh) – If given, bbox_min and bbox_max are calculated using this

  • bbox_min (Union[Vector, ndarray, List, Tuple]) – If given, bbox_max must also be given. The minimum of the bounding box of the mesh

  • bbox_max (Union[Vector, ndarray, List, Tuple]) – If given, bbox_min must also be given. The maximum of the bounding box of the mesh