
class blendersynth.blender.material.Material(name='NewMaterial', shader_type='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled', mat=None)[source]

BlenderSynth Material class. Will always be a node material.

add_source(image_loc, input_name='Base Color', use_global_scale=True, allow_duplicate=False)[source]

Add an image texture node to the material node tree, and connect it to the specified input of the Shader. :type image_loc: str :param image_loc: Image location :type input_name: str :param input_name: Input socket name of the Shader to connect the image texture node to :type use_global_scale: bool :param use_global_scale: Flag to scale the image texture node by the global scale :type allow_duplicate: bool :param allow_duplicate: Flag to allow duplicate image texture nodes (by default, a node to the same input will overwrite any previous) :return:

animate_path(frames=(0, 250), fracs=(0, 1))

Animate object along path.

  • frames (tuple) – tuple of keyframes to animate at - length N

  • fracs (tuple) – tuple of fractions along path to animate at - length N

property axes: ndarray

Return 3x3 rotation matrix (normalized) to represent axes

follow_path(path, zero=True, animate=True, frames=(0, 250), fracs=(0, 1))

Follow path, with optional animation setting.

  • path (Curve) – Curve object

  • zero (bool) – If True, set camera location to (0, 0, 0) [aligns camera with path]

  • animate (bool) – If True, animate camera along path

  • frames (tuple) – tuple of keyframes to animate at - length N

  • fracs (tuple) – tuple of fractions along path to animate at - length N

classmethod from_image(image_loc, name='ImageMaterials', shader_type='ShaderNodeBsdfPrincipled', use_global_scale=True)[source]

Create a new material from an image texture. :type image_loc: :param image_loc: Location of the image :type name: :param name: Name of the material :type shader_type: :param shader_type: Shader type :type use_global_scale: :param use_global_scale: Flag to scale the image texture node by the global scale :rtype: Material :return: New Material instance

property location: mathutils.Vector

Location of object

property matrix_world

Return world matrix of object(s).

path_keyframe(frame, offset)

Set keyframe for camera path offset

  • frame (int) – Frame number

  • offset (float) – Offset fraction (0-1)


Delete .obj from if it exists

render_visibility(value, frame=None)

Show/hide object in render

  • value (bool) – True to show, False to hide

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating


Add a rotation to the object. Must be in XYZ order, euler angles, radians.

property rotation_euler: mathutils.Euler

Rotation in euler XYZ angles


Scale object

set_bdsf_property(key, value)[source]

Set the property of the BSDF node

set_dimensions(dimensions, frame=None)

Set dimensions of object.

  • dimensions (VectorLikeOrScalar) – Dimensions to set. Either single value or 3 long vector

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating

set_location(location, frame=None)

Set location of object.

  • location (VectorLike) – Location vector to set

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating

set_rotation_euler(rotation, frame=None)

Set euler rotation of object.

  • rotation (VectorLike) – Rotation vector

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating

set_scale(scale, frame=None)

Set scale of object.

  • scale (VectorLikeOrScalar) – Scale to set. Either single value or 3 long vector

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating


Track to object.


obj (Union[BsynObject, Object]) – BsynObject or Blender Object to track to


Translate object


Remove track to constraint from object

viewport_visibility(value, frame=None)

Show/hide object in viewport

  • value (bool) – True to show, False to hide

  • frame (int) – Optional frame for animating