import os.path
import bpy
from .utils import (
from .bsyn_object import BsynObject
from .material import Material
from .armature import Armature
from .aov import AOV
import numpy as np
import mathutils
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector, Euler
from typing import Union, List
from copy import deepcopy
from ..utils import types
from ..utils import version
_primitives = {
"cube": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add,
"sphere": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add,
"cylinder": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cylinder_add,
"plane": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add,
"cone": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cone_add,
"monkey": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add,
"torus": bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_torus_add,
default_ids = {
"loaded_mesh": 0,
"prim_cube": 1,
"prim_sphere": 2,
"prim_cylinder": 3,
"prim_plane": 4,
"prim_cone": 5,
"prim_monkey": 6,
"prim_torus": 7,
def _get_child_meshes(obj):
"""Given an object, return all meshes that are children of it. Recursively searches children of children.
Also returns any child objects that aren't meshes"""
if obj.type == "MESH":
return [obj], []
meshes, other = [], [obj]
for child in obj.children:
child_meshes, child_other = _get_child_meshes(child)
meshes += child_meshes
other += child_other
return meshes, other
def _set_object_origin(obj: bpy.types.Object, origin: Vector):
"""Set the origin of an object to a given point"""
with SelectObjects([obj]), CursorAt(origin):
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type="ORIGIN_CURSOR", center="MEDIAN")
def _find_material(obj):
"""Return first material found in an object"""
if obj.type == "MESH":
for mat in
return mat
for child in obj.children:
if child.type == "MESH":
for mat in
return mat
class Mesh(BsynObject):
"""A mesh object. Can be a single mesh, or a hierarchy of meshes."""
primitive_list = list(_primitives.keys())
"""List of available primitives"""
def __init__(
material: bpy.types.Material = None,
scene: bpy.types.Scene = None,
class_id: int = None,
:param obj: Receives either a single mesh, or an empty with children empty & meshes
:param material: bpy.types.Material to assign to the mesh
:param scene:
If obj contains multiple meshes, they will all be assigned the same material, and must act as a single object
i.e. they will all be transformed together
if scene is None:
scene = bpy.context.scene
self.scene = scene
self._object = obj
self._meshes, self._other_objects = _get_child_meshes(obj)
# Manage materials here
if material is not None:
self._material = Material.from_blender_material(material)
elif _find_material(obj) is not None:
self._material = Material.from_blender_material(_find_material(obj))
self._material = Material("NewMaterial")
for mesh in self._meshes:
# INSTANCING - Define InstanceID based on number of meshes in scene
self._object["instance_id"] = scene.get("NUM_MESHES", 0)
scene["NUM_MESHES"] = (
scene.get("NUM_MESHES", 0) + 1
) # Increment number of meshes in scene
# CLASS - Define class based on type of object (e.g. primitive)
# can be overriden at any point
self.assigned_aovs = []
self._armatures = (
) # name : armature, to prevent multiple instances of armatures
def set_class_id(self, class_id: int):
"""Set the class ID of the object.
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object
assert isinstance(
class_id, int
), f"Class ID must be an integer, not {type(class_id)}"
assert class_id >= 0, f"Class ID must be >= 0, not {class_id}"
self._object["class_id"] = class_id
self.scene["MAX_CLASSES"] = max(self.scene.get("MAX_CLASSES", 0), class_id)
def from_scene(cls, key: str, class_id: int = 0) -> "Mesh":
"""Create object from named object in scene.
:param key: Name of object in scene
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object
:return: Mesh loaded from scene"""
obj =[key]
return cls(obj, class_id=class_id)
def from_primitive(
) -> "Mesh":
"""Create Mesh from primitive.
:param name: Name of primitive to create. See :attr:`~blendersynth.blender.Mesh.primitive_list` for options
:param scale: Scale of object
:param location: Location of object
:param rotation_euler: Rotation of object
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object
:param kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to primitive (see `bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add <>`_, etc.)
:return: Mesh object created from primitive
assert (
name in _primitives
), f"Primitive `{name}` not found. Options are: {list(_primitives.keys())}"
importer = GetNewObject(bpy.context.scene)
with importer:
prim = _primitives[name](**kwargs) # Create primitive
if class_id is None:
class_id = default_ids[f"prim_{name}"]
obj = cls(importer.imported_obj, class_id=class_id)
if scale is not None:
obj.scale = scale
if location is not None:
obj.location = location
if rotation_euler is not None:
obj.rotation_euler = rotation_euler
return obj
def from_numpy(
cls, vertices: np.ndarray, faces: np.ndarray, name="New_Mesh"
) -> "Mesh":
"""Create Mesh from numpy arrays of vertices and faces."""
mesh =
obj =, mesh)
mesh.from_pydata(vertices.tolist(), [], faces.tolist())
return cls(obj, class_id=default_ids["loaded_mesh"])
def from_obj(
obj_loc: str,
class_id: int = None,
forward_axis: str = "-Z",
up_axis: str = "Y",
) -> "Mesh":
"""Load object from .obj file.
:param obj_loc: Location of .obj file
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object
:param forward_axis: Axis to use as forward axis
:param up_axis: Axis to use as up axis
Note: we use bpy.ops.wm.obj_import instead of bpy.ops.import_scene.obj because the latter
causes issues with materials & vertex ordering.
(Changing vertex ordering makes the use of keypoints difficult.)
for axis in (forward_axis, up_axis):
assert axis in (
), f"Axis `{axis}` not valid, must be one of X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z"
forward_axis = forward_axis.replace("-", "NEGATIVE_") # e.g. -X -> NEGATIVE_X
up_axis = up_axis.replace("-", "NEGATIVE_")
assert os.path.isfile(obj_loc) and obj_loc.endswith(
), f"File `{obj_loc}` not a valid .obj file"
directory, fname = os.path.split(obj_loc)
directory = os.path.abspath(directory) # ensure absolute path for clean loading
importer = GetNewObject(bpy.context.scene)
with importer:
if version.is_version_plus(4.2):
kwargs = {"filepath": obj_loc}
kwargs = {
"filepath": fname,
"files": [{"name": fname}],
if class_id is None:
class_id = default_ids["loaded_mesh"]
obj = importer.imported_obj
return cls(obj, class_id=class_id)
def from_glb(cls, glb_loc: str, class_id: int = None) -> "Mesh":
"""Load object from .glb file.
:param glb_loc: Location of .glb file
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object
assert os.path.isfile(glb_loc) and glb_loc.endswith(
(".glb", ".gtlf")
), f"File `{glb_loc}` not a valid .glb file"
directory, fname = os.path.split(glb_loc)
importer = GetNewObject(bpy.context.scene)
with importer:
bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(filepath=glb_loc, files=[{"name": fname}])
if class_id is None:
class_id = default_ids["loaded_mesh"]
return cls(importer.imported_obj, class_id=class_id)
def from_gltf(cls, gltf_loc: str, class_id: int = None) -> "Mesh":
"""Alias for :meth:`~blendersynth.blender.Mesh.from_glb`"""
return cls.from_glb(gltf_loc, class_id=class_id)
def from_fbx(cls, fbx_loc: str, class_id: int = None) -> "Mesh":
"""Load object from .fbx file.
:param fbx_loc: Location of .fbx file
:param class_id: Class ID to assign to object"""
assert os.path.isfile(fbx_loc) and fbx_loc.endswith(
), f"File `{fbx_loc}` not a valid .fbx file"
directory, fname = os.path.split(fbx_loc)
importer = GetNewObject(bpy.context.scene)
with importer:
bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath=fbx_loc, files=[{"name": fname}])
if class_id is None:
class_id = default_ids["loaded_mesh"]
return cls(importer.imported_obj, class_id=class_id)
def origin(self) -> Union[Vector, List[Vector]]:
Return origin of primary object.
To get origins of all objects within the mesh, use :attr:`~blendersynth.blender.Mesh.all_origins`
return self.obj.location
def origin(self, origin: Vector):
"""Set origin of primary object.
:param origin: Origin to set
To set origins of all objects within the mesh, use :attr:`~blendersynth.blender.Mesh.all_origins`
vec = handle_vec(origin)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f"Error with setting origin. Expects a 3 long Vector. Received: {origin}"
_set_object_origin(self._meshes[0], vec)
def all_origins(self) -> List[Vector]:
"""Return list of origins of all objects within the mesh"""
return [m.location for m in self._all_objects]
def all_origins(self, origins: List[Vector]):
Set origins of all objects within the mesh.
:param origins: List of origins to set
assert len(origins) == len(
), f"Expected {len(self._all_objects)} origins, got {len(origins)}"
for i in range(len(self._all_objects)):
vec = handle_vec(origins[i])
_set_object_origin(self._all_objects[i], vec)
raise ValueError(
f"Error with setting origins. Expects a list of {len(self._all_objects)} 3-long Vector. Received: {origins}"
def _get_all_vertices(self, ref_frame="WORLD") -> np.ndarray:
Get all vertices of object, taking into account deformations.
:param ref_frame: LOCAL or WORLD
:return: Nx3 array of vertices
depsgraph = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() # to account for deformations
if ref_frame not in {"LOCAL", "WORLD"}:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid ref_frame: {ref_frame}. Must be one of ['LOCAL', 'WORLD']"
verts = []
for mesh in self._meshes:
# use bmesh to get vertices - this accounts for deformations in depsgraph
bm =
bm.from_object(mesh, depsgraph)
mesh_verts = np.array([ for x in bm.verts])
if ref_frame == "WORLD":
mesh_verts =
np.vstack((mesh_verts.T, np.ones(mesh_verts.shape[0]))),
verts = np.concatenate(verts, axis=1)
verts /= verts[3] # convert from homogeneous coordinates
return verts[:3].T
def get_raw_bounds(self) -> [Vector, Vector]:
"""Get the minimum and maximum bounds of all meshes in the object, under no deformations or transformations."""
verts = np.array([ for mesh in self._meshes for v in])
bbox_min = Vector([*np.min(verts, axis=0)])
bbox_max = Vector([*np.max(verts, axis=0)])
return bbox_min, bbox_max
def materials(self):
return {m for mesh in self._meshes for m in}
def assign_pass_index(self, index: int):
"""Assign pass index to object. This can be used when mask rendering.
:param index: Pass index to assign"""
for mesh in self._meshes:
mesh.pass_index = index
return index
def assign_aov(self, aov: AOV):
"""Assign AOV to object. Applies to all materials.
:param aov: AOV to assign"""
if aov not in self.assigned_aovs:
for material in self.materials:
shader_node_tree = material.node_tree
assert shader_node_tree is not None, "Material must have a node tree"
def assign_aovs(self, aovs: List[AOV]):
"""Assign multiple AOVs to object. Applies to all materials.
:param aovs: AOVs to assign"""
for aov in aovs:
def set_minimum_to(self, axis: str = "Z", pos: float = 0):
"""Set minimum of object to a given position in a given axis.
:param axis: Axis to set minimum in
:param pos: Position to set minimum to
min_pos = self._get_all_vertices("WORLD")[:, "XYZ".index(axis)].min()
trans_vec = np.zeros(3)
trans_vec["XYZ".index(axis)] = pos - min_pos
def clamp_in_axis(
self, axis: str = "Z", mode: str = "min", value: float = 0
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Clamp object in a given axis to a given value - ensure that, in this axis,
the object never goes below (mode='min') or above (mode='max') the given value.
This can be used to ensure that an object never goes below the ground plane, for example.
:param axis: Axis to clamp in
:param mode: 'min' or 'max'
:param value: Value to clamp to
:return: Vector of translation applied to object
axis = axis.upper()
assert axis in "XYZ", f"Invalid axis: {axis}"
assert mode in {"min", "max"}, f"Invalid mode: {mode}"
verts = self._get_all_vertices("WORLD")
axis_idx = "XYZ".index(axis)
translation = 0
if mode == "min":
translation = max(
value - verts[:, axis_idx].min(), 0
) # can only be positive
elif mode == "max":
translation = min(
value - verts[:, axis_idx].max(), 0
) # can only be negative
trans_vec = np.zeros(3)
trans_vec["XYZ".index(axis)] = translation
return trans_vec
def delete(self, delete_materials: bool = True):
"""Clear mesh from scene & mesh data.
:param delete_materials: Also delete object materials from scene"""
mesh_names = [ for m in self._meshes]
for mesh in self._meshes:, do_unlink=True)
# remove any non-mesh objects
for obj in self._other_objects:, do_unlink=True)
# Also remove its mesh data from
for mname in mesh_names:
for m in
if == mname:
self._meshes = [] # clear mesh list
if delete_materials:
for material in self.materials:, do_unlink=True)
def centroid(self, method: str = "median", seperate: bool = False) -> Vector:
Return the centroid of the mesh(es)
:param method: See :attr:`~blendersynth.blender.mesh.Mesh.origin_to_centroid` for options.
:param seperate: If True, will return a list of centroids for each object, rather than a single centroid.
:return: Centroid of the mesh(es). If multiple meshes, will average the centroids.
if seperate:
original_origins = deepcopy(self.all_origins)
centroids = deepcopy(self.all_origins)
self.all_origins = original_origins
return sum(centroids) / len(centroids)
original_origin = deepcopy(self.origin)
centroid = deepcopy(self.origin)
self.origin = original_origin
return centroid
def _set_origin_manual(self, origin: Vector, all_meshes=True):
"""Override to set origin manually. Should only be used by internal functions."""
if all_meshes:
for mesh in self._meshes:
mesh.location = origin
self._meshes[0].location = origin
def origin_to_centroid(self, method: str = "bounds"):
"""Move object origin to centroid.
Four methods available:
* 'bounds' - move the origin to the center of the bounds of the mesh
* 'median' - move the origin to the median point of the mesh
* 'com_volume' - move to the centre of mass of the volume of the mesh
* 'com_area' - Move to the centre of mass of the surface of the mesh
:param method: Selected method to move origin to centroid
_valid_methods = ["bounds", "median", "com_volume", "com_area"]
_type_lookup = dict(
center = "BOUNDS" if method == "bounds" else "MEDIAN"
with SelectObjects(self._meshes + self._other_objects):
bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type=_type_lookup[method], center=center)
def get_keypoints(
self, idxs: list = None, position: Union[np.ndarray, List[Vector]] = None
) -> List[Vector]:
"""Return 3D keypoint positions in world coordinates, given either:
:param idxs: list of indices or ndarray of keypoints to project (only valid for single-mesh objects)
:param position: 3D position of keypoints to project - in LOCAL object coordinates
:return: N list of Vectors of keypoints in world space, where N is the number of keypoints
assert (idxs is not None) ^ (
position is not None
), "Must provide either idxs or position, but not both."
if idxs is not None:
assert (
len(self._meshes) == 1
), "Can only project keypoints by index for single-mesh objects."
kps3d = [
self.matrix_world @ self._meshes[0].data.vertices[i].co for i in idxs
elif position is not None:
kps3d = [self.matrix_world @ p for p in position]
return kps3d
def name(self):
return self._meshes[0].name
def get_armature(self, armature_name: str = None) -> Armature:
"""Get armature.
If no name given, return first armature found.
:param armature_name: Name of armature to load."""
armatures = [obj for obj in self._other_objects if obj.type == "ARMATURE"]
if len(armatures) == 0:
raise ValueError("No armatures found.")
if armature_name is None:
armature_name = armatures[0].name
if armature_name in self._armatures:
return self._armatures[armature_name]
for arm in armatures:
if == armature_name:
bsyn_arm = Armature(arm)
self._armatures[armature_name] = bsyn_arm
return bsyn_arm
raise KeyError(f"Armature `{armature_name}` not found.")
def material(self):
return self._material
def material(self, material: Material):
self._material = material
for mesh in self._meshes:
def shape_keys(self) -> bpy.types.Key:
"""Get the first shape keys object available"""
for mesh in self._meshes:
if is not None:
return None
def get_shape_key(self, name: str, create: bool = False) -> bpy.types.ShapeKey:
"""Get a given shape key object.
:param name: Name of shape key
:param create: If True, create shape key if it doesn't exist. Otherwise, raise error.
keys = self.shape_keys
if keys is None:
if create:
keys = self.shape_keys
raise KeyError(f"Tried to get key '{name}' - no shape keys available.")
if name not in keys.key_blocks:
if create:
raise KeyError(f"Tried to get key '{name}' - not found in shape keys.")
return keys.key_blocks[name]
def create_shape_key(self, name: str):
"""Create a new shape key with a given name."""
def set_shape_key(self, name: str, value: float, frame: int = None):
"""Set shape key to a given value.
:param name: Name of shape key
:param value: Value to set shape key to
:param frame: If not None, set keyframe at this frame
shape_key = self.get_shape_key(name)
shape_key.value = value
if frame is not None:
shape_key.keyframe_insert(data_path="value", frame=frame)
def set_shape_keys(self, data: dict, frame: int = None):
"""Set multiple shape keys at once.
:param data: Dictionary of shape key names to values
:param frame: If not None, set keyframe at this frame
for k, v in data.items():
self.set_shape_key(k, v, frame=frame)
def set_shape_key_data(
name: str,
data: np.ndarray,
create: bool = True,
value_min: float = 0,
value_max: float = 1,
"""Set shape key to a given value.
:param name: Name of shape key
:param data: Data to set shape key to (absolute positions - *not* offsets)
:param create: If True, create shape key if it doesn't exist. Otherwise, raise error.
:param value_min: Minimum value of shape key
:param value_max: Maximum value of shape key
shape_key = self.get_shape_key(name, create=create)
for i, coord in enumerate(data):[i].co = coord
shape_key.slider_min = value_min
shape_key.slider_max = value_max
def make_shape_key(
self, name: str, data: np.ndarray, value_min: float = 0, value_max: float = 1
"""Create a new shape key, optionally with data.
:param name: Name of shape key
:param data: Data to set shape key to
:param value_min: Minimum value of shape key
:param value_max: Maximum value of shape key
if self.shape_keys is None:
self.obj.shape_key_add(name="Basis") # add basis shape key
if name in self.shape_keys.key_blocks:
raise ValueError(f"Shape key `{name}` already exists.")
if data is not None:
name, data, value_min=value_min, value_max=value_max
def _all_objects(self):
"""List of all objects associated with this object."""
return self._meshes + self._other_objects
def add_child(self, obj: Union["Mesh", bpy.types.Object]):
"""Add child Mesh or Object to this object.
This will make the child object move with this object.
:param obj: Object to add as child
new_objects = []
if isinstance(obj, Mesh):
self._meshes += obj._meshes
self._other_objects += obj._other_objects
new_objects = obj._all_objects
if obj.type == "MESH":
# add as children
with SelectObjects(new_objects, active_object=self.obj):
bpy.ops.object.parent_set(type="OBJECT", keep_transform=True)
def join(self, other_meshes: Union[List["Mesh"], List[bpy.types.Object]]):
Join other meshes into this mesh.
:param other_meshes: List of either Mesh or blender Object types
objects_to_join = []
for other in other_meshes:
if isinstance(other, Mesh):
objects_to_join += other._all_objects
elif isinstance(other, bpy.types.Object):
objects_to_join += other
raise ValueError(f"Cannot join object of type {type(other)} into Mesh.")
with SelectObjects(objects_to_join, active_object=self.obj):
def export_obj(self, obj_loc: str, **kwargs):
"""Export object to .obj file.
:param obj_loc: Location to save .obj file to
:param kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to `bpy.ops.wm.obj_export`
with SelectObjects(self._all_objects):
filepath=obj_loc, export_selected_objects=True, **kwargs