Source code for blendersynth.blender.compositor.image_overlay

"""Overlay RGB image in compositor"""
from ..nodes import CompositorNodeGroup
import bpy
import cv2
import numpy as np
from ...file.tempfiles import create_temp_file
from typing import List
from ...utils import io

[docs] class AlphaImageOverlay(CompositorNodeGroup): """Overlay an image on top of the render, using the alpha channel of the image as a mask""" def __init__(self, name="AlphaImageOverlay", node_tree=None, scene=None): """Create a mix node which overlays an image on top of the input image.""" super().__init__(name, node_tree) # Set default width and height self.width = 1000 self.height = 1000 if scene: self.width = scene.render.resolution_x self.height = scene.render.resolution_y # define I/O self.add_socket("NodeSocketColor", "Image", "INPUT") self.add_socket("NodeSocketColor", "Image", "OUTPUT") # create nodes self.overlay_img ="CompositorNodeImage") self.mix_node ="CompositorNodeMixRGB") self.sep_color_node ="CompositorNodeSepRGBA") # link up internal nodes self.overlay_img.outputs["Image"], self.sep_color_node.inputs["Image"] )["Image"], self.mix_node.inputs[1])["Image"], self.mix_node.inputs[2]) self.sep_color_node.outputs[3], self.mix_node.inputs["Fac"] ) # alpha self.mix_node.outputs["Image"], self.output_node.inputs["Image"] ) self.create_img() self.tidy() def create_img(self): # create temp image to draw keypoints on, with 8 random alphanumeric characters # 8 random alphanum chars self.temp_img_loc = create_temp_file(".png") # initialize as white self.img = np.ones((self.height, self.width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 cv2.imwrite(self.temp_img_loc, self.img) # connect this image to the overlay node self.overlay_img.image = io.load_image(self.temp_img_loc) return self.temp_img_loc
[docs] class KeypointsOverlay(AlphaImageOverlay): """Overlay which draws keypoints on top of the render.""" def __init__( self, name="KeypointsOverlay", node_tree=None, scene=None, camera=None, marker: str = "x", size: int = 5, color: tuple = (0, 0, 255), thickness: int = 2, ): """ :param name: :param node_tree: :param scene: :param camera: :param marker: Marker type, either [c/circle], [s/square], [t/triangle] or [x]. Default 'x' :param size: Size of marker. Default 5 :param color: Color of marker, RGB or RGBA, default (0, 0, 255) (red) :param thickness: Thickness of marker. Default 2 """ super().__init__(name, node_tree) self.marker = marker self.size = size self.color = color self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def update( self, keypoints: np.ndarray, scene: bpy.types.Scene = None, camera: bpy.types.Camera = None, ): """Given [N x 3] keypoints, draw them onto a new temp image. :param keypoints: N x 3 keypoints :param scene: Scene to draw from :param camera: Camera """ self.width = scene.render.resolution_x self.height = scene.render.resolution_y # reset image to black, with alpha = 0 self.img = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) color = self.color if len(color) == 3: color = (*color, 255) # add alpha # draw keypoints on image size = self.size for kp in keypoints: if self.marker in ["c", "circle"]: self.img, (int(kp[0]), int(kp[1])), size, color, self.thickness ) elif self.marker in ["s", "square"]: cv2.rectangle( self.img, (int(kp[0]) - size, int(kp[1]) - size), (int(kp[0]) + size, int(kp[1]) + size), color, self.thickness, ) elif self.marker in ["t", "triangle"]: points = np.array( [ [kp[0], kp[1] - size], [kp[0] - size, kp[1] + size], [kp[0] + size, kp[1] + size], ], dtype=np.int32, ) cv2.polylines( self.img, [points], isClosed=True, color=color, thickness=self.thickness, ) cv2.fillPoly(self.img, [points], color=color) elif self.marker == "x": cv2.line( self.img, (int(kp[0]) - size, int(kp[1]) - size), (int(kp[0]) + size, int(kp[1]) + size), color, self.thickness, ) cv2.line( self.img, (int(kp[0]) + size, int(kp[1]) - size), (int(kp[0]) - size, int(kp[1]) + size), color, self.thickness, ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid marker: {}".format(self.marker)) self.save_image(self.temp_img_loc, self.img)
[docs] class BoundingBoxOverlay(AlphaImageOverlay): """Overlay which draws bounding boxes on top of the render.""" def __init__( self, name="BoundingBoxOverlay", node_tree=None, scene=None, camera=None, col: tuple = (0, 0, 255, 255), thickness: int = 2, ): super().__init__(name, node_tree) self.col = col self.thickness = int(thickness) # cv2 requires int
[docs] def update(self, bboxes, scene=None, camera=None): """Given [N x 4] bounding boxes, draw them onto a new temp image.""" self.width = scene.render.resolution_x self.height = scene.render.resolution_y # reset image to black, with alpha = 0 self.img = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) col = self.col if len(col) == 3: col = (col[0], col[1], col[2], 255) # draw bounding boxes on image for bbox in bboxes: cv2.rectangle( self.img, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3])), col, self.thickness, ) self.save_image(self.temp_img_loc, self.img)
[docs] class AxesOverlay(AlphaImageOverlay): """Overlay which draws axes on top of an existing render""" def __init__( self, name="BoundingBoxOverlay", node_tree=None, scene=None, camera=None, size: int = 1, thickness: int = 2, ): super().__init__(name, node_tree) self.size = size self.thickness = thickness
[docs] def update( self, points: List[np.ndarray], scene: bpy.types.Scene = None, camera: bpy.types.Camera = None, ): """Plot axes onto the image. :param points: list of N x 4 2D points of centre + XYZ unit axes :param scene: Scene :param camera: Camera""" self.width = scene.render.resolution_x self.height = scene.render.resolution_y self.img = np.zeros((self.height, self.width, 4), dtype=np.uint8) for P in points: centre = P[0].astype(int) for i, point in enumerate(P[1:]): offset = point - centre point2 = centre + offset * self.size x, y = map(int, centre) x2, y2 = map(int, point2) # note BGR color order # and -y because image y-axis is flipped self.img = cv2.line( self.img, (x, y), (x2, y2), (255 * (i == 2), 255 * (i == 1), 255 * (i == 0), 255), self.thickness, ) self.save_image(self.temp_img_loc, self.img)