import bpy
from ..utils import get_node_by_name
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from ..render import render, render_depth
from ..nodes import CompositorNodeGroup, srgb_to_linear
from ..aov import AOV
from .mask_overlay import MaskOverlay
from .visuals import DepthVis
from .image_overlay import (
from ...annotations import Annotation, AnnotationHandler
from ..nodes import tidy_tree
from import world
from import Camera
from ...utils import version
from .render_result import RenderResult
from typing import Union, List
# Mapping of file formats to extensions
format_to_extension = {
"BMP": ".bmp",
"IRIS": ".rgb",
"PNG": ".png",
"JPEG": ".jpg",
"JPEG2000": ".jp2",
"TARGA": ".tga",
"TARGA_RAW": ".tga",
"CINEON": ".cin",
"DPX": ".dpx",
"OPEN_EXR": ".exr",
"HDR": ".hdr",
"TIFF": ".tif",
# Add more formats if needed
"""List of available output file formats"""
# docs-special-members: __init__
def _default_color_space():
"""Get default color space for Blender version"""
if version.is_version_plus(4):
return "AgX"
return "Filmic"
def _get_badfname(fname, N=100):
"""Search for filename in the format
where i is the frame number. if no file found for i < N, raise error.
otherwise, return found file
f, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
for i in range(N):
fname = f + f"{i:04d}" + ext
if os.path.isfile(fname):
return fname
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {fname} not found")
def _all_anim_frames(fname, N=1000):
"""Search for filename in the format
where i is the frame number. if no file found for i < N, raise error.
otherwise, return found file
f, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
for i in range(N):
fname = f + f"{i:04d}" + ext
if os.path.isfile(fname):
yield fname
def remove_ext(fname):
return os.path.splitext(fname)[0] # remove extension if given
class Compositor:
"""Compositor output - for handling file outputs, and managing Compositor node tree"""
def __init__(
background_color: tuple = None,
rgb_color_space: str = None,
:param view_layer: Name of View Layer to render
:param background_color: If given, RGB[A] tuple in range [0-1], will overwrite World background with solid color (while retaining lighting effects).
:param rgb_color_space: Color transform for RGB only. Defaults to `AgX Base sRGB` for Blender 4+, and `Filmic sRGB` for older versions.
self._tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
if rgb_color_space is None:
rgb_color_space = _default_color_space()
# Create compositor node tree
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True
self.node_tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree
self.view_layer = view_layer
# Create file output node.
self.file_output_node: bpy.types.CompositorNodeOutputFile = ("CompositorNodeOutputFile")
self.file_output_node.file_slots[0].path = '_tmp' # Avoids error in deleting input node.
self.file_output_node.base_path =
self.file_output_slots = {} # Mapping of file output name to file output slot
self.mask_nodes = {} # Mapping of mask pass index to CompositorNodeGroup
self.overlays = {}
self.aovs = [] # List of AOVs (used to update before rendering)
bpy.context.scene.display_settings.display_device = "sRGB"
bpy.context.scene.view_settings.view_transform = rgb_color_space
# Socket to be used as RGB input for anything. Defined separately in case of applying overlays (e.g. background color)
self._rgb_socket = get_node_by_name(self.node_tree, "Render Layers").outputs[
if background_color is not None:
def _tidy_tree(self):
"""Tidy up node tree"""
def render_layers_node(self):
return get_node_by_name(self.node_tree, "Render Layers")
def _get_render_layer_output(self, key: str):
"""Get output socket from Render Layers node"""
if key == "Image": # special case
return self._rgb_socket
return self.render_layers_node.outputs[key]
def get_mask(
self, index, input_rgb: Union[str, CompositorNodeGroup], anti_aliasing=False
) -> CompositorNodeGroup:
"""Get mask node from pass index. If not found, create new mask node"""
].use_pass_object_index = True # Make sure object index is enabled
if index not in self.mask_nodes:
if isinstance(input_rgb, str):
ip_node = self._get_render_layer_output(input_rgb)
elif isinstance(input_rgb, CompositorNodeGroup):
ip_node = input_rgb.outputs["Image"]
raise TypeError(
f"input_rgb must be str or CompositorNodeGroup, got {type(input_rgb)}"
dtype = (
"Float" if isinstance(ip_node, bpy.types.NodeSocketFloat) else "Color"
cng = MaskOverlay(
f"Mask - ID: {index} - Input {input_rgb}",
), cng.input("Image"))
self._get_render_layer_output("IndexOB"), cng.input("IndexOB")
self.mask_nodes[index] = cng
return self.mask_nodes[index]
def get_bounding_box_visual(
self, col=(0.0, 0.0, 255.0, 255.0), thickness: int = 5
) -> BoundingBoxOverlay:
Return a bounding box visual overlay.
:param col: (3,) or (N, 3) Color(s) of bounding box(es) [in BGR]
:param thickness: (,) or (N,) Thickness(es) of bounding box(es)
cng = BoundingBoxOverlay(
f"Bounding Box Visual", self.node_tree, col=col, thickness=thickness
self._get_render_layer_output("Image"), cng.input("Image")
if "bbox" in self.overlays:
raise ValueError(
"Only allowed one BBox overlay (it can contain multiple objects)."
self.overlays["bbox"] = cng
return cng
def get_keypoints_visual(
marker: str = "x",
color: tuple = (0, 0, 255),
size: int = 5,
thickness: int = 2,
) -> KeypointsOverlay:
Return a keypoints visual overlay.
:param marker: Marker type, either [c/circle], [s/square], [t/triangle] or [x]. Default 'x'
:param size: Size of marker. Default 5
:param color: Color of marker, RGB or RGBA, default (0, 0, 255) (red)
:param thickness: Thickness of marker. Default 2
cng = KeypointsOverlay(
f"Keypoints Visual",
self._get_render_layer_output("Image"), cng.input("Image")
if "keypoints" in self.overlays:
raise ValueError("Only allowed one Keypoints overlay.")
self.overlays["keypoints"] = cng
return cng
def get_axes_visual(self, size: int = 1, thickness: int = 2) -> AxesOverlay:
Return an axes visual overlay.
:param size: Size of axes. Default 100
:param thickness: Thickness of axes. Default 2
cng = AxesOverlay(
f"Axes Visual", self.node_tree, size=size, thickness=thickness
self._get_render_layer_output("Image"), cng.input("Image")
if "axes" in self.overlays:
raise ValueError("Only allowed one Axes overlay.")
self.overlays["axes"] = cng
return cng
def stack_visuals(self, *visuals: AlphaImageOverlay) -> AlphaImageOverlay:
"""Given a series of image overlays, stack them and return to be used as a single output node.
:param *visuals: Stack of overlays to add."""
if len(visuals) < 2:
raise ValueError("Requires at least 2 visuals to stack")
# No need to store these overlays separately in self.overlays, but need to check they're all present
for overlay in visuals:
if overlay not in self.overlays.values():
raise ValueError(
f"Visual {overlay} not found in Compositor. Make sure it was obtained via the Compositor."
# Stack the output of the previous to the input of the next
for va, vb in zip(visuals, visuals[1:]):"Image"), vb.input("Image"))
return visuals[-1]
def get_depth_visual(
self, max_depth=1, col: tuple = (255, 255, 255)
) -> CompositorNodeGroup:
"""Get depth visual, which normalizes depth values so max_depth = col,
and any values below that are depth/max_depth * col.
:param max_depth: Maximum depth value to normalize to
:param col: Color of maximum depth value. 0-255 RGB or RGBA."""
if "Depth" not in self.render_layers_node.outputs:
# convert col to 0-1, RGBA
col = ([i / 255 for i in col] + [1])[:4]
cng = DepthVis(self.node_tree, max_depth=max_depth, col=col)
self._get_render_layer_output("Depth"), cng.input("Depth")
return cng
def define_output(
input_data: Union[str, CompositorNodeGroup, AOV],
name: str = None,
is_data: bool = False,
file_format: str = "PNG",
color_mode: str = "RGBA",
jpeg_quality: int = 90,
png_compression: int = 15,
color_depth: str = "8",
EXR_color_depth: str = "32",
) -> str:
"""Add a connection between a valid render output, and a file output node.
This should only be called once per output (NOT inside a loop).
Inside the loop, only call :attr:`~update_filename`, :attr:`update_all_filenames` :attr:`~update_directory`
All outputs will be defined in raw color space (no color correction), except for the RGB output,
and any overlays on this output (e.g. Bounding Box Visualization)
:param input_data: If :class:`str`, will get the input_data from that key in the render_layers_node. If :class:`~CompositorNodeGroup`, use that node as input. If :class:`AOV`, use that AOV as input (storing AOV).
:param name: Target name of output. If not given, will infer from input_data.
:param is_data: If True, save with no color correction. If False, save with color correction.
:param file_format: File format to save output as. Must be in :class:`AVAILABLE_FORMATS`
:param color_mode: Color mode to save output as.
:param jpeg_quality: Quality of JPEG output.
:param png_compression: Compression of PNG output.
:param color_depth: Color depth of output.
:param EXR_color_depth: Color depth of EXR output.
:return: Name of output.
if name is None:
name = str(input_data)
if isinstance(input_data, AOV):
input_data = (
) # name is sufficient to pull from render_layers_node
assert (
file_format in format_to_extension
), f"File format `{file_format}` not supported. Options are: {list(format_to_extension.keys())}"
# check node doesn't exist
if name in self.keys:
raise ValueError(
f"File output `{name}` already exists. Only call define_output once per output type."
# Create new 'File Output' node in compositor
file_output_socket =
file_output_slot = self.file_output_node.file_slots[-1]
self.file_output_slots[name] = file_output_slot
file_output_slot.save_as_render = not is_data
from_socket = None
if isinstance(input_data, str):
from_socket = self._get_render_layer_output(input_data)
elif isinstance(input_data, CompositorNodeGroup): # add overlay in between
from_socket = input_data.outputs[0]
raise NotImplementedError(
f"input_data must be either str or CompositorNodeGroup, got {type(input_data)}"
if file_format == "PNG" and color_depth == "8" and is_data:
# Bug: Blender applies sRGB to 8-bit PNGs without 'save_as_render'
# We want an untransformed colorspace, so here we unapply sRGB
converter ="CompositorNodeGroup")
converter.node_tree = srgb_to_linear(), converter.inputs[0])
from_socket = converter.outputs[0], file_output_socket)
# Set file output node properties
file_output_slot.path = name
# File format kwargs
file_output_slot.use_node_format = False
file_output_slot.format.file_format = file_format
file_output_slot.format.color_mode = color_mode
file_output_slot.format.quality = jpeg_quality
file_output_slot.format.compression = png_compression
file_output_slot.format.color_depth = (
color_depth if file_format != "OPEN_EXR" else EXR_color_depth
return name
def _find_file_at_frame(self, key: str, frame: int = 0):
slot = self.file_output_slots[key]
ext = format_to_extension[slot.format.file_format]
pth = os.path.join(, f"{key}{frame:04d}{ext}")
if os.path.isfile(pth):
return pth
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {pth} not found")
def _update_aovs(self):
"""Update any AOVs that are connected to the render layers node"""
for aov in self.aovs:
def keys(self) -> List[str]:
"""List of output keys."""
return list(self.file_output_slots.keys())
def render(
camera: Union[Camera, List[Camera]] = None,
scene: bpy.types.Scene = None,
annotations: AnnotationHandler = None,
animation: bool = False,
frame_start: int = 0,
frame_end: int = 250,
) -> RenderResult:
"""Render the scene.
:param camera: Camera(s) to render from. If None, will use ``. If multiple, will render each camera separately, appending the camera's names as the output file names.
:param scene: Scene to render. If None, will use `bpy.context.scene`.
:param annotations: Object containing annotation information for each camera view to be used for overlays
:param animation: If True, will render an animation, using `frame_start` and `frame_end` as the start and end frames.
:param frame_start: Start frame for animation.
:param frame_end: End frame for animation.
:returns: :class:`~blendersynth.blender.compositor.render_result.RenderResult` object containing paths to rendered files.
if scene is None:
scene = bpy.context.scene
_original_active_camera =
if camera is None:
camera = Camera()
if animation:
scene.frame_start = frame_start
scene.frame_end = frame_end
multi_camera = isinstance(camera, list)
if not multi_camera:
camera = [camera]
render_paths = {}
for cam in camera:
if annotations is not None:
annotation = annotations.get_annotation_by_camera(
# apply overlays PER CAMERA
for oname, overlay in self.overlays.items():
getattr(annotation, oname), camera=cam, scene=scene
) # multi kwargs
self._update_aovs() = cam.obj
camera_frame_dir = os.path.join(,
os.makedirs(camera_frame_dir, exist_ok=True)
if animation:
frames = list(range(frame_start, frame_end + 1))
frames = [bpy.context.scene.frame_current]
for frame in frames:
for key in self.keys:
pth = self._find_file_at_frame(key, frame=frame)
# Move to camera dir to avoid overwriting.
new_pth = os.path.join(camera_frame_dir, os.path.basename(pth))
shutil.move(pth, new_pth)
render_paths[(key,, frame)] = new_pth
# reset active camera = _original_active_camera
return RenderResult(render_paths)
def _set_background_color(self, color: tuple = (0, 0, 0)):
"""Set a solid background color, instead of transparent.
Will remove the visuals of existing world background (but not the lighting effects).
:param color: RGBA color, in range [0, 1]
rgba = color
if len(rgba) == 3:
rgba = (*rgba, 1)
rgb_node ="CompositorNodeRGB")
rgb_node.outputs[0].default_value = rgba
mix_node ="CompositorNodeMixRGB"), mix_node.inputs[2])[0], mix_node.inputs[1])
self._get_render_layer_output("Alpha"), mix_node.inputs["Fac"]
self._rgb_socket = mix_node.outputs["Image"]