Source code for blendersynth.annotations.utils

import bpy
from bpy_extras.object_utils import world_to_camera_view
import mathutils
import numpy as np

[docs] def project_point_to_image( P: mathutils.Vector, scene: bpy.types.Scene, camera: bpy.types.Camera, invert_y: bool = True, ): """Return 2D (x, y) image coordinates of a 3D point P. :param P: 3D point :param scene: Blender scene :param camera: Camera to project through :param invert_y: if True, y is measured from the top of the image, otherwise from the bottom (Blender measures from bottom) """ ndc_x, ndc_y, ndc_depth = world_to_camera_view( scene, camera, P ) # normalized device coords imgx = scene.render.resolution_x * ndc_x if invert_y: imgy = scene.render.resolution_y * (1 - ndc_y) # ndc_y measured from bottom else: imgy = scene.render.resolution_y * ndc_y return imgx, imgy
[docs] def project_points( points: np.ndarray, scene: bpy.types.Scene, camera: bpy.types.Camera, invert_y: bool = True, ): """Project points to image plane. :param points: Nx3 matrix of points :param scene: Blender scene :param camera: Camera to project through :param invert_y: if True, y is measured from the top of the image, otherwise from the bottom :return: Nx2 matrix of 2D image coordinates""" coords_2d = [] for p in points: p_vec = mathutils.Vector(*(p,)) coords_2d.append( project_point_to_image(p_vec, scene, camera, invert_y=invert_y) ) return np.array(coords_2d)