Source code for blendersynth.annotations.keypoints

import bpy
from .utils import project_points
import numpy as np
from .annotation_handler import AnnotationHandler
from import Camera
from typing import List, Union

def _project_keypoints(
    points3d: np.ndarray, camera: bpy.types.Camera = None, scene: bpy.types.Scene = None
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Project 3D world points to 2D image coordinates.

    Projects using :func:`blendersynth.annotations.utils.project_points`.

    :param points3d: Nx3 array of 3D points
    :param scene: scene to use (if None, `use bpy.context.scene`)
    :param camera: camera to project through (if None, use ``)

    :return: Nx2 array of 2D image coordinates

    if scene is None:
        scene = bpy.context.scene

    if camera is None:
        camera =

    # project points
    return project_points(points3d, scene, camera)

[docs] def project_keypoints( points3d: np.ndarray, camera: Union[Camera, List[Camera]] = None, scene: bpy.types.Scene = None, ) -> AnnotationHandler: """Project 3D world points to 2D image coordinates for each camera. :param points3d: Nx3 array of 3D points :param camera: Either a single :class:`` object, or a list of them. If None, use :param scene: bpy.types.Scene (if None, use bpy.context.scene) """ return_dict = {} if camera is None: camera = if not isinstance(camera, list): camera = [camera] for cam in camera: return_dict[] = _project_keypoints(points3d, camera=cam, scene=scene) return AnnotationHandler.from_annotations(return_dict, ann_type="keypoints")