from collections import namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from ..utils import types
# docs-special-members: __init__
ANN_TYPES = ["bbox", "keypoints", "axes"]
"""Valid annotation types"""
class Annotation:
"""A class for storing annotations for a single image."""
def __init__(
bbox: types.BboxAnnotation = None,
keypoints: types.KeypointOrAxesAnnotation = None,
axes: types.KeypointOrAxesAnnotation = None,
:param bbox: Bounding box tuple per instance
:param keypoints: [N x 2] array per instance
:param axes: [4 x 2] array per instance
self.bbox = bbox
self.keypoints = keypoints
self.axes = axes
def __getitem__(self, item):
return getattr(self, item)
def _set(self, item, value) -> "Annotation":
"""In place set, returning self"""
setattr(self, item, value)
return self
def set(self, item: str, value, inplace: bool = False) -> "Annotation":
"""Return a new Annotation, with item set to value.
:param item: A key in :class:`ANN_TYPES`
:param value: Value to set
:param inplace: If True, set in place and return self
if inplace:
return self._set(item, value)
return self.copy()._set(item, value)
def copy(self) -> "Annotation":
"""Return a deep copy of this Annotation instance"""
return deepcopy(self)
def union(self, other: "Annotation", priority="other") -> "Annotation":
"""Joins two annotations together, returning a new Annotation instance.
:param other: Annotation to join with
:param priority: Which annotation to take priority when merging
combined = Annotation()
low_priority = "self" if priority == "other" else "other"
for ann_type in ANN_TYPES:
vals = {"self": self[ann_type], "other": other[ann_type]}
if vals[priority] is not None:
combined._set(ann_type, vals[priority])
elif vals[low_priority] is not None:
combined._set(ann_type, vals[low_priority])
return combined
def __add__(self, other: "Annotation"):
return self.union(other)
class AnnotationHandler:
"""An object for storing and handling per-view :class:`Annotation` instances"""
def __init__(self, data: dict):
:param data: Dictionary of camera_name: Annotation class
self._data = data
def from_annotations(
cls, data: dict, ann_type: str = "bbox"
) -> "AnnotationHandler":
"""Create an Annotation Handler from a single type of annotation
:param data: Dictionary of camera_name: annotation (e.g. bboxes)
:param ann_type: Type of annotation (e.g. 'bbox')
assert (
ann_type in ANN_TYPES
), f"Invalid annotation type: {ann_type}. Must be one of {ANN_TYPES}"
out_data = {}
for cam_name, v in data.items():
ann = Annotation(**{ann_type: v})
out_data[cam_name] = ann
return cls(out_data)
def union(
self, other: "AnnotationHandler", priority: str = "other"
) -> "AnnotationHandler":
"""Combine two AnnotationHandlers, merging annotations wherever possible. Returns a new instance
comprising the union of the two AnnotationHandlers.
:param other: AnnotationHandler to merge with
:param priority: Which AnnotationHandler to take priority when merging
assert isinstance(
other, AnnotationHandler
), f"other must be an AnnotationHandler, not {type(other)}"
out_data = {}
camera_names = set(self._data.keys()).union(set(other._data.keys()))
for camera_name in camera_names:
self_ann, other_ann = self.get_annotation_by_camera(
), other.get_annotation_by_camera(camera_name)
out_data[camera_name] = self_ann.union(other_ann, priority=priority)
return AnnotationHandler(out_data)
def get_annotation_by_camera(self, camera_name) -> Annotation:
"""Return annotation for a given camera (default to an empty :class:`Annotation` instance if not found)"""
return self._data.get(camera_name, Annotation())
def __add__(self, other: "AnnotationHandler"):
return self.union(other)