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BlenderSynth is a Python library for generating large scale synthetic datasets using Blender. Compared to other tools, BlenderSynth provides support for: Custom Shader AOVs to render rich per-pixel information; node control; multithreading support; and multiview rendering support.
See documentation for installation, debugging/troubleshooting and examples.
BlenderSynth supports Blender 3 and 4.
Contributions and Projects
This project is currently in Beta. Please let me know what new features you would like, or feel free to make a pull request!
BlenderSynth has been used in research for foot reconstruction, see my other projects FOUND and FOCUS.
If you use BlenderSynth for a project, please contact me about it - I might include it in the documentation as a usage example!
If you use BlenderSynth in your work, please cite the software, and the paper in which it was introduced,
author = {Ollie Boyne},
title = {BlenderSynth},
year = 2023,
publisher = {GitHub},
url = {},
title={FOUND: {F}oot {O}ptimisation with {U}ncertain {N}ormals for Surface {D}eformation using Synthetic Data},
author={Boyne, Oliver and Bae, Gwangbin and Charles, James and Cipolla, Roberto},
booktitle={Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
Rendering speed compared to BlenderProc: